mercoledì 22 luglio 2009

Eclissi e libertà

La censura è detestabile a due livelli: perché è repressiva, perché è stupida...

Roland Barthes

Muoversi liberamente su Internet è un privilegio. Penso a paesi come la Cina, l'Iran e molti altri dove gli utenti non sono liberi di scegliere i contenuti da visitare. Eppure non è necessario gurardare lontano per accorgersi di come i tentacoli della censura minaccino la nostra libertà.
Da noi il recente sciopero dei blogger il 14 Luglio ha segnalato l'insidia del lodo Alfano anche per chi scrive in rete attraverso l'obbligo di rettifica entro le 48 ore dalla data di pubblicazione.
Il video di oggi dal titolo Tutulma arriva dalla Turchia con un'idea originale su come rappresentare la censura e i suoi effetti liberticidi non solo sulla rete. Tutulma, in italiano Eclissi, si lascia apprezzare anche da chi come me non conosce il turco.

Tutulma from Memento Mori on Vimeo.

4 commenti:

  1. Tutulma. Beautiful word. The repetition of the first syllable perhaps represents the covering of one celestial object by another. As you probably know there was a major eclipse in China on the same day you posted the film, but it takes more than the absence of the sun to turn day into night. At another protest against censorship in the Turkic speaking world I was to be seen at the distant end of the pathetic paper chain in this unintentionally absurd video
    trying to avoid the camera for fear of reprisals from Azerbaijani secret agents in the Hyde Park area. Returning home last night from an evening at which the drunken series editor of Arena ranted at length about the superiority of the Catholic church, its expression in the work of Raffaello in particular and the florentine edicts of Bernard Berenson in detail, and the manifestation of the Baroque in London architecture, I sat smoking on my terrace and opened a novel of the Iranian revolution to read that an officer of the Shah was assassinated outside a hotel which I could see from where I was sitting. While accepting the anonymity offered for these comments I know that through the web to this computer my thoughts and activities and location can all be traced. There is no escaping the electronic trail. Everything, as the film suggests, is watching. Good one, Alex. What goes around comes around.

  2. Thanks for your suggestive comment...still hiden by the moon during the hottest summer. I wish I could update the blog more often just to read your comments ))) ciao caro amico

  3. Well it's nice and fresh here... Music for your eclipse:

  4. "Censorship is advertising paid by the government" - Fellini
