giovedì 6 agosto 2009

Chi decide per noi?

Tempo fa avevo già trattato dei Ted Talks e del buon servizio di sottotitoli per video di Dotsub.
Oggi ho scelto una conferenza breve tenuta da Dan Ariely, studioso dei comportamenti umani, che mette in dubbio il controllo che crediamo di avere quando prendiamo delle decisioni. Che fate lo guardate o no?
Beh i risultati del suo studio non son proprio edificanti per l'umana specie.
I sottotitoli sono disponibili anche in italiano.

2 commenti:

  1. I would have my car stolen. With the insurance money I could afford more than a weekend in Paris and another one in Rome. With caffe (corretto)! There are too many cars anyway. They are destroying the world our children have to live in. Indeed, if I didn't have children, I wouldn't need a car. Hmm...

  2. Few are the bloggers who have improved the word, but I have been inspired by this post on your site to implement an innovative programme of social reform, as explained by an article which I will send you separately from what I understand is one of your few reliable newspapers. The harnessing of the irrazionale also attracted my interest as I first misread it as irazziale (subtracting the letters ‘on’ – sopra in Italian; he and him in Russian, subject and object, a complete man). Unracial, as it should be. The substitution of healthy produce for junk food is not an issue in the White House, however, as everyone knows we prefer la cucina italiana!
